Sci-fi Books Club is a site dedicated to reviewing science fiction books. We’re Trekkies, Dune-ies (is that a thing?) and generally prefer pulpy, B-grade science fiction books (although we did review Asimov’s Foundation, so…)
All books receive a fair and honest review, all opinions are our own, and all reviews should be taken with a grain of melange salt.
Keep an eye out in the future for more science fiction book reviews, author interviews and blog posts.
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We happily accept books for review (epub format please). Just send us a note on the contact form and we’ll share our contact details.
Sales data
Our patented tripolymer metagenic book sales predictor
How we calculate a books commercial success (E.g. number of sales)
Book sales are notoriously difficult to find online. In fact it’s pretty much impossible.
Instead we use a basic spreadsheet for tracking the number of reviews a book receieves on Amazon & Goodreads.