Book series
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Resistance book review

The Borg are back. But this time they are faster, meaner and more adaptable. Will their new queen ascend to the throne and doom Earth to assimilation?
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Star Trek: Titan: Orions Hounds book review

Now that the Dominion War is over, Starfleet can get back to good old exploration. Will Riker and his team of diverse Starfleet personnel must now face a band of space whalers, who aim their long harpoons at the poor old Space Jellies from TNG season 1 episode 1.
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Star Trek: Articles Of The Federation

Join your favourite Federation political characters Jed Bartlet, CJ Cregg, Josh Lymen and grumpy old Toby Ziegler as they navigate the pitfalls and challenges of running a massive multi-planetary political juggernaut. Oh wait… is this The West Wing or Star Trek?
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Star Trek: Titan: The Red King book review

Star Trek Titan finally hits warp speed in this direct follow-up to book #1 Taking Wing. Launched into the far reaches of a satellite galaxy, can Riker steer his crew to safety?
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Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing book review

Riker finally gets that 4th pip and has left The Enterprise to captain The Titan. Can this book of new diverse characters find its feet and deliver a compelling read?
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death In Winter book review

DNA thieves, Beverly Crusher’s maiden name and a few guest appearances from the USS Stargazer. Can author Michael Jan Friedman maneuver the Star Trek TNG books into this new era?
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