Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing book review

Riker finally gets that 4th pip and has left The Enterprise to captain The Titan. Can this book of new diverse characters find its feet and deliver a compelling read?
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Star Trek: Titan: The Red King book review

Star Trek Titan finally hits warp speed in this direct follow-up to book #1 Taking Wing. Launched into the far reaches of a satellite galaxy, can Riker steer his crew to safety?
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Star Trek: Titan: Orions Hounds book review

Now that the Dominion War is over, Starfleet can get back to good old exploration. Will Riker and his team of diverse Starfleet personnel must now face a band of space whalers, who aim their long harpoons at the poor old Space Jellies from TNG season 1 episode 1.
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Star Trek: Titan: Sword of Damocles book review

In Greek literature, there was a man who coveted the king’s position. So the king agreed to let the man experience what it was like to have power. When the man took a seat at the throne, the king arranged to have a sword dangling above the man’s head, held in place by a single thread. In this Titan novel, the sword is “Erykon’s Eye”, and it dangles above an entire planet, threatening to unleash its awesome wrath. And Titan is caught in the crossfire.
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Star Trek: Titan: Over A Torrent Sea book review

Star Trek: Titan: Synthesis book review

William T. Riker and the diverse crew of the U.S.S. Titan are back, this time in the hands of British author James Swallow. Following on from the lackluster Over A Torrent Sea (by Christopher L Bennet), I was hoping that Mr. Swallow could inject some fun and action into this spinoff book series. Did he succeed?
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Book review - Star Trek Titan: Fallen Gods by Michael A. Martin

Author Michael A. Martin returns to pen another Star Trek: Titan novel, Fallen Gods. The book is a direct sequel to his previous novel, Typhon Pact: Seize The Fire, and continues overall Typhon Pact arc.
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